As part of our development strategy and on innovations to be brought in line with market expectations, it became evident to develop a complete range of bar screen equipment.
Innovation did not lie so much in the technologies developed by ENVIROSEP, which are listed below, but rather in the design of units through the combination of equipment, in order to form a single machine. Equipment which are generally regarded as complementary but distinct.
Thus, each screen is available in a version with an integrated compactor (version/P), thus forming a single machine. Hatches for access to the various components of the machine are provided.
It should also be noted that thanks to the modular design of the equipment, it is possible to replace the ENVIROPRESS screw compactor initially provided by an ENVIROSPIR screw conveyor or a SPIRAPRESS washer-compactor.
STRAPSEP (/P) : Vertical screen – Lifting station / In channel (Small flows)
BARSEP (/P) : Vertical screen – Lifting station / In channel
RAKESEP (/P) : Inclined screen 75° – In channel
STEPSEP (/P) : Step screen – In channel
SCREENSEP : (/P under development): Continuous self-cleaning screen – In channel